Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Review : Sonia Kashuk Hidden Agenda Concealer Palette

one of the products which is very important for me is concealer
because dark circles under my eyes are very disturbing,make the face look dull and looks like being sick
after watching one of bubzbeauty video on youtube, I am very interested in the concealer palette that she use
I always interested in the concealer for cover my dark circles , redness , and sometimes for acne scars

Sonia Kashuk Hidden Agenda Concealer Palette
 This concealer is simple and small , packed in white plastic
package contents can be seen clearly because the packaging lid is transparent 
and this palette is easy to store and carry,of course this palette is really travel friendly
 information written on the back of palette
  existing product information in paper packaging
 Ingredients of the product is complete and clearly written
as a user of this product , we can find out what is contained in these products
This palette comes with two concealers, one neutralizer, and one transculent powder
 This palette has two different shades in which you can mix together to find your perfect shade. 
 Lightest shade and darkest shade next to each other
This palette also contains a translucent power to set the concealers. The formula of the concealers is very creamy is medium-full coverage
There is also a neutralizer/green concealer which can be applied over any red blemishes or hyper pigmentation to cancel out the redness on my face
 swatch of this concealer palette
I think this concealer would be best for fair-light possibly medium skin tones, they don't have any other shades for darker skin tones.
I did't really have a problem with acne scars / black spots, the most important for me is concealer to cover the dark circles under both of my eyes and redness that often exist in my face 
 for first step I use the second color of this palette and then I use the light concealer color for cover everything perfectly

-Shade of this concealer palette perfectly match to my skintone
-Covering darkcircle and redness in my face perfectly
-Great for travel is practical,small and complete in one palette
-Easy to blend,sometimes I use my fingers,brush or sponge
-doesn' t make my skin oily or irritated

- it always seems to crease after a few hours,is about 4 hours
-the setting powder makes my eyes area feel so dry
-difficult to buy these products , should be booked through the online shop

I'm quite satisfied with this conceler, to trick the eye area is easy to dry after a few hours, I always put eyecream before using this concelaer 
What is your favorite/HG concealer?Let me know...
because I'm still keep looking for concealer that can be my HG product
I waited all comments , questions and suggestions from you guys
I'll repply all ur comments as soon as possible
follow my blog if you all do not mind and of course I 'll follow back
have a nice day
God Bless You

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Review The Balm Mary Lou Manizer

today I want to review my favorite product at this time 
is really my favorite highlighter product 
really fall in love with this highlighter
This product is the balm mary - lou manizer
I'm the type of person who is very happy with something glow , shine and shimmer

so far I always use highlighter products from Etude House that once my previous review HERE

I never thought to buy another highlighter
but when I saw there was a 50% discount for the balm products 
 I was really wanna to try and after browsing and finding out here and there, 
I decided to order mary-lou manizer after seeing many good reviews about this product 

let's look closer at the mary-lou manizer packaging
all the products balm packaged in the box with pictures of a very unique and classic look , I like the mix of colors on the packaging mary - lou .. looks very unique and interesting
higlighter packaging is very similar like compact powder packaging , I think it's easy to carry
the picture on the product packaging adds a unique and looks very attractive
This product also comes with a small mirror
First appearance of product packaging , the packaging is very tempting ...
back view of product packaging , the contents of this product is 8.5 grams .
I think this will run out in a long time 
because I just need a little product for each use
swatch of the balm mary-lou manizer
this photo is my make- up without using the balm mary- lou manizer
finish of my make up after using the balm mary-lou manizer
This product became my favorite products because it makes my face look more fresh and glowy

overall I really love this highlighter because :
-It's a beautiful peachy champagne color that gives your pretty soft shimmer
-The powder is very soft and easily blended
-Its highly pigmented so a slight tap of brush is enough,then  tap the tiniest amount and blend it on to the area you want to highlight.

-Its shimmery but not glittery or heavy or like the one which makes you look like disco ball
-it gives you  fabulous dewy glow
-I can use for highlight my cheek bones, the bridge of my nose, cupid's bow, my forehead,and high point of my chin,and sometimes I use for highlight my browbone or use as shimmery eyeshadow

NB :Don't use a heavy hand cause this may attract attention to some imperfections like pores or fine lines. just apply it with a light loose hand and blend it well, it can give you a lovely glow.

Thank you for reading my post about this product
follow my blog if you don't mind
awaited comments and suggestions from you, I will reply you as soon as possible comments from you
and if there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask
have a nice day and God bless you

Thursday, August 22, 2013


hari ini aku mau share make-up look ku menggunakan salah satu produk yang aku dapat dari 
"EVENT COLLECTION" yang aku hadiri beberapa waktu lalu  
aku mendapatkan eyeliner pensil berwarna biru , dan aku sama sekali belum pernah menggunakan eyeliner pensil warna-warni , dengan produk ini aku coba berkreasi dengan eye make-up yang bisa kalian lihat di foto-foto bawah ini
 aku cuma menggunakan eyeliner biru ini di bagian garis bawah mata
untuk kelopak mata atas , aku menggunakan eyeshadow berwarna netral 
 aku juga menggunakan bulu mata palsu yang tidak terlalu tebal dan mencolok supaya tidak kelihatan berlebihan
numpang foto-foto narsis , buat make-up kali ini aku juga menggunakan powder blush "COLLECTION"
 barang-barang yang kugunakan untuk make-up kali ini
-revlon photoready liquid foundation
-skinfood buckwheat loose powder
-rimmel stay matte pressed powder
-sleek countour kit
-collection powder blush
-NYX eye primer skin tone
-urban decay naked2 palette
-maybelline hypergloss eyeliner
-maybelline volume express mascara
-falsies silmy's
-collection intense colour supersoft kohl pencils
-NYX eyebrow powder
-sariayu lipstick
-sariayu lipgloss

 eyeliner pensil warna-warni ini warnanya cukup menarik dan sangat colorful
 aku mendapatkan eyeliner pensil berwarna biru "BLUE BELLE"
 dan warna eyelinernya sesuai dengan warna kemasan eyeliner
 swatch warna dengan tipis dan digoreskan agak pelan di tangan
 swatch warna berulang kali dan digoreskan agak kuat di tangan
(maafkan pencahayaan yang berbeda dan kulit keringku)
untuk kalian yang penasaran mengenai produk "COLLECTION"
dan bila kalian ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang produk ini , bisa coba klik "DISINI"
pendapatku mengenai eyeliner pensil ini
-kemasannya cukup menarik sangat colorful
-tersedia 6 macam pilihan warna di website yang cukup menarik
-mudah diserut dan tidak mudah patah
-awet seharian (selalu gunakan eye primer sebelum eye make-up)
-tekstur eyeliner pensil ini sedikit keras dan agak kaku
-harus diaplikasikan berulang supaya warnanya keluar
-susah didapatin karena belum tersedia di Indonesia

sekian review singkat dan make-up look kali ini 
semoga kalian suka dan ditunggu semua saran dan komentarnya
maafkan juga kalau hasil make-up kurang bagus dan masih jauh dari sempurna
practise makes perfect
jadi jangan pernah bosan buat belajar dan mencoba
thank you for reading this post
and have a nice day all

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Review NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder-Dark Brown

I always have trouble every use eyebrow pencil , the results do not always look neat and different looks thin thickness between left and right
before has this product , I usually use a brown eyeshadow for my eyebrows
This is the first time I bought an eyebrow powder 

NYX eyebrow cake powder packaging
mine is ECP 02-Dark Brown
 unique words that exist in the packaging and made ​​me very interested
"for those movie star brows"
 the packaging is not very big and I think is very practical for travel
transparant lid and can be opened from the left packaging
back of packaging
NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder Ingredients
 When I open this NYX eyebrow kit

 This product contains 
one brow wax , two shades of eyebrow pressed powder , an angle brush , and a spoolie(mascara wand)
What that I like from this eyebrow kit
-the wax is make my eyebrows look neater , formed , also maintain the shape of my eyebrows
not feel heavy on my brow
-there are two color of eyebrow powder , dark brown and light brown , I often mix two colors or just use the dark brown color
- if I use eyebrow powder too thick, I take the wand and tone it down a tiny bit and helps make it look a bit more natural.
-the little and small packaging,practical for travel
-an affordable price is about IDR 70.000
-This product makes me more easier to draw eyebrows

What I don't like from this eyebrow kit
-angle brush is too stiff and hard , too thick shape also makes it difficult to draw eyebrows , I always use my coastal scents angle brush,you can check out my review here
-no mirror inside this brow kit 

I can make my eyebrows thick , thin ,and whatever that I need
I really like to adjust the eyebrows shape with my eye make-up

I draw thick and thin eyebrows to show the difference
 with brow powder , I more easily control the thickness of the eyebrows that I want
the first photo you  all can see the importance of eyebrows for women...lol
tidy and neat eyebrow is very important to me, even more important than the use eyeshadow...lol
thank you so much for kindly reading this post
I hope you enjoy and like this post
and let's share what's ur favourite eyebrow product?
I waited all comments , questions and suggestions from you guys
I'll repply all ur comments as soon as possible
follow my blog if you all do not mind and of course I 'll follow back
What is your favorite brow product ?

have a nice day
God Bless You

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Halooo semua....Apa kabar?
jangan bosan-bosan yach ikutin post-post di blogku
hari ini aku bakal mereview produk lokal yang pasti udah pada tau dan kenal sama brand ini
kotak kemasan berwarna abu-abu dengan logo khas 'la tulipe' di atas kotak
isi produk ini 5gram , dengan harga sekitar 30ribuan
aneka produk la tulipe bisa didapatkan di toko-toko kosmetik atau pusat perbelanjaan lainnya
  Palette blush-on ini dikemas dalam kemasan berwarna putih dari bahan plastik
dan kemasan dalamnya berwarna emas , ada cermin dan kuas kecil juga dalam kemasan

 warna blush 02 ini terdiri dari dua warna pink muda dan pink tua
warnanya sendiri terlihat sangat cantik dan cukup menarik
palette blush ini juga mungil dan mudah dibawa-bawa
 untuk kualitas kuas yang ada di produk ini menurutku kurang bagus , karena cenderung kasar dan terlalu mungil , aku pribadi selalu menggunakan kuas make-upku sendiri untuk mengaplikasikan blush ini
 swatch produk ini sangat cantik , warnanya sangat pigmented dan finishnya shimmer
menurutku shimmer produk ini cukup cantik , tidak terlihat berlebihan
mungkin untuk kulit yang berpori-pori besar sebaiknya menghindari blush-on bershimmer
untuk warna pertama pink tua biasa kugunakan sebagai blush-on pada umumnya dan untuk warna kedua aku lebih senang mengaplikasikan tipis-tipis sebagai highlighter supaya kulit keliatan lebih glowy
menurutku sendiri , kualitas produk la tulipe cukup bagus dan aku cukup sering menggunakan palette ini untuk make-up sehari-hari
kelebihan produk ini
-harganya murah dan terjangkau
-mudah didapatkan karena banyak tersedia di toko kosmetik
-warnanya pigmented
-shimmer finish membuat pipi terlihat lebih glowy
-kemasan kecil dan praktis
-ada cermin kecil di dalam palette
-warna pink muda bisa dijadikan sebagai highlighter

kekurangan produk ini
-teksturnya yang agak susah dibaurkan
-kuas yang ada dalam produk kurang berkualitas

Saat digunakan di pipi juga keliatan natural dan shimmernya gak berlebihan ,untuk kesan glowy di wajah aku menggunakan warna pink muda
tipis-tipis aja aplikasinya dan blend dengan sempurna
untuk kalian yang mulai atau baru mempelajari make-up , aku rasa merk 'La tulipe' bisa menjadi pilihan
selain karena harga yang cukup terjangkau , produk La tulipe juga cukup banyak pilihan

lain waktu mungkin aku akan membeli produk La tulipe lainnya
produk La tulipe apa yang pernah kalian coba?
dan produk apa yang jadi favorit kalian?
ditunggu komentarnya di bawah yach , semua komentar dan saran dari kalian akan kubalas secepat mungkin
makasih buat semua yang udah bekenan mampir , semoga kalian suka postku kali ini
ditunggu yach post-post lainnya , have a nice day semua... 
Gbu all

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